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Rokko Gakuin Junior High School Past Problems


Mr. A walks up a mountain at 3km / h and down at 5km / h. It took 6 hours for Mr. A to make a round trip from the foot of the mountain to the summit. Find the distance from the foot of the mountain to the top.

Arithmetic answer



Speed ratio Up: Down = 3: 5
Inverse ratio ← constant distance (distance from the foot of the mountain to the top)

Constant distance → Time ratio = Speed ratio Inverse ratio Time ratio Up: Down = ⑤: ③
⑤ + ③ = ⑧ is equivalent to 6 hours, so the time taken to go up (corresponding to ⑤) is 6 × ⑤ / ⑧
= 15/4 hours, so the required distance is 3 x 15/4
= 45/4km


Select the most appropriate characteristics of the cotyledons and roots of Impatiens balsa from the following (a) to (d), and answer with a symbol.

(A) There is one cotyledon, and the root is made up of taproot and lateral root.

(B) There is only one cotyledon, and the root is made of whiskers.

(C) There are two cotyledons, and the roots are made up of taproots and lateral roots.

(D) There are two cotyledons, and the roots are made of whiskers.

Science answer


national language

Write the names of the appropriate animals in [] of ① to ⑤ below in hiragana.

① "Pull out the eyes of life []"
(Being quick and alert.)

② "Pinch to []"
(Unexpected things happen and I don't know what it is.)

③ "One voice of []]
(A word of a powerful person who makes people on the spot obey.)

④ "[] in the bag"
(Being cornered and unable to escape.)

⑤ "Poke the bush and put out []"
(Doing extra things and pulling out troublesome things.)

Japanese answer

① Horse

② Fox

③ Vine

④ Mouse

⑤ Snake

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